Our graduates share their experiences of what it was like to train and study at GNTC

If you want to start your Hemodialysis Nurse career, better choose GNTC!! Their lecturers(and lectures) are soo good, perfect, well organized and pak na pak!! They have fully air conditioned rooms too (and i said that because AC is life!). Trust me! If i could turn back time, i’d choose GNTC Sta Mesa branch!
Jels Lacanlale
I highly recommend Global Nephro Training Center! Plus, they are BONENT approved already!
Bea Simagala
My experienced in GNTC in partnership with diaverum was so amazing, the staff and training officers was so intelligent, smart and most of all i loved them how to teached. very well said. Godbless.. More HD nurses pa for quality renal education.
War Musa